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High-speed CAD monochrome and Colour A0
(40 ») wide format scanners from 3500 Euro

nnovative scanner design that provides fast effective large format image capture for both professional and office users.
  • Creates sharp, accurate scans especially suited to technical documents like CAD drawings, blueprints, maps etc.
  • Unique single roller paper transport and bright 2D LED illumination means that even folded documents scan sharp and shadow free.
  • 600 dpi optical resolution - more than enough for any technical scanning job.
  • Ready for use within seconds of power on - no warm-up, no waiting. Switch off when not in use.
  • Fast 10 ips mono and 3.3 ips color scanning.
  • Network ready - use fast Gigabit Ethernet connectivity or Plug'n'Play USB2.
  • Preserves delicate originals - even scans newspaper!
  • Scans face up with unique front exit path for easy document retrieval.
  • Compact and portable - just 49 lbs (22 kg), the lightest large format scanner available today.
  • Environmentally friendly - RoHS compliant, ENERGY STAR® qualified, contains recycle friendly components.
  • Low cost to buy, economic to run, low maintenance.
  • Three upgradeable models: m (monochrome), c (color) and e (express color) - buy what you need when you need it and upgrade by email.
  • Includes simple to use SmartLF All in One software - scans to PDF, TIFF or JPG formats and makes copies of your documents to any Windows printer.
  • Works direct with any Windows based software supporting Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) or Still Image Interface (STI)
  • Extendable

Main specifications

There are three upgradeable models: m (monochrome), c (color) and e (express color).

Scanner Model Image Width Max Media Thickness Optical Resolution (dpi) Scan Speed (in/sec)*
Color Mono
CI 40 m (mono) 40"
101.6 cm
E size+
0.3 mm
(270 gsm)
600 N/A 10.00
c (color) 0.83
e (express color) 3.33

* Scan speed measured at 200 dpi. The scan rate is proportional across the full range of resolutions supported by the scanner. Actual scan times will depend on host system performance. Quoted top speeds may be limited by the effective bandwidth of the USB2 or Ethernet interface and are not guaranteed for all media types.

Saves you time

Ready for use within seconds of power on

Because it's a CIS large format scanner with LED illumination, the Ci 40 doesn't require warm-up time and there's no need for calibration before use.

Fast scanning speed

Whether you're scanning monochrome or color, the Ci 40 flies. All models scan monochrome at 10 inches per second (200 dpi). If you need high volume color scanning, choose the express color e model which scans color at 3.33 inches per second (200 dpi).

"Scan-it-once" philosophy
(Requires ScanWorks software, not included with scanner.)
With other wide format scanners you have to perform multiple pre-scans of selected image areas to get scan settings right. With the Ci 40 large format scanner and ScanWorks software you scan only once, then perform thresholding and image enhancements on the scan in real time.

Scan-it-once technology gives you a huge workflow advantage. You can perform quality assurance and adjustments in-line, "right-first-time", instead of needing to re-scan quality control failures off-line after batch scanning is completed.

An additional advantage of scan-it-once technology is that it minimizes document movement (and possible wear) through the scanner and document skew caused by back and forth "checking".

Intelligent Adaptive Thresholding (IAT)
IAT allows you to create better quality scans of dirty documents more quickly. The free SmartLF All in One software supplied with the Ci 40 has three IAT settings; ScanWorks software (not included with the scanner) has comprehensive IAT that you can set in real time using slider bars.

Fast Gigabit Ethernet connectivity

The Ci 40 large format scanner is networkable - it has a Gigabit Ethernet connection as well as a USB2 connection. Gigabit Ethernet transmits data between the scanner and the PC faster than USB2. It also allows you to place the scanner further from the host PC or network socket than USB2, which has a 2m maximum recommended cable length.

Preserves delicate originals

The Ci 40's Advanced Single Roller Paper Transport (ASRPT) applies the minimum force necessary for preserving delicate originals, while achieving the required traction and accuracy to ensure images are sharp and shadow free.

We have even managed to feed newspaper through the Ci 40 wide format scanner without using a document carrier sheet - you can't say that about many large format scanners!

Easy to use

Face-up scanning with front exit

The Ci 40 large format scanner lets you choose between side justified and center justified document loading. The document is scanned face-up so you can see the content as you scan it, reducing the potential for error. Scanned documents are ejected at the front of scanner, making them easier to retrieve.

Easy, competent included software

The supplied All in One SmartLF software is designed for operation by non-specialist users and is very simple to use while providing all the basic scan to file and scan to copy functionality you need.

Simple scanner interface

You can access all main functions from a simple to use control panel on the scanner, which includes buttons for Scan, Copy, Stop, Rewind and Forward.

Plug 'n' Play USB2 Interface

Simply plug the scanner into your PC and use it.

Compact and lightweight

CIS technology uses compact, lightweight components that have good tolerance to vibration. The Ci 40 is the lightest large format scanner on the market at just 49 lbs (22 kg) which makes it easily portable. It is compact and lightweight enough to use on a desk or table top without a floor stand.

Environmentally friendly

The Ci 40 wide format scanner is RoHS compliant; energy efficient (it has earned the ENERGY STAR®); does not use consumable fluorescent lamps which contain mercury; and uses recycle friendly components.

Saves you money

Low cost

The Ci 40 is a CIS technology large format scanner. Quality CIS wide format scanners cost less to manufacture than quality CCD scanners - they use simpler optical pathways with fewer components. This cost saving is passed on to you when you purchase the scanner.

No need to buy scanning software

The Ci 40 wide format scanner is supplied with free SmartLF All in One software. SmartLF is easy to use scanning software designed for the non-specialist. It includes all essential functions such as scan to file (PDF, TIFF, JPG) and scan to copy (any Windows printer).

Economic to run

As a CIS large format scanner using LED illumination the Ci 40 uses less power than fluorescent tube illuminated scanners. In addition, because LEDs do not require warm-up time the Ci 40 can be used immediately after power on and can be switched off when not in use. The Ci 40 is ENERGY STAR® qualified.

Low maintenance

The Ci 40 requires minimal service and calibration. The utility software included with it provides you with all the maintenance applications you need to keep your large format scanner in prime condition and up-to-date with the latest firmware and drivers.

In addition, the Ci 40's paper feed can be easily accessed for cleaning.

Three upgradeable models

There are three upgradeable SmartLF Ci 40 large format scanner models: m (monochrome), c (color) and e (express color).

If your initial requirement is for a monochrome wide format scanner only, you can buy a monochrome scanner now and upgrade to color if and when you need it. If your inital requirement is for infrequent color scanning, you can buy a color wide format scanner now and upgrade to a faster express color model should your color scanning volume increase.

You can upgrade your scanner quickly and easily, by email. There is no need for you to return the scanner to us or for a service engineer to call.


NEW ! PC&Flat screen Mounting option
NEW ! Paper Catch Basket Option


NEW ! Universal Repro Stand Option
  • Customer installable scanner with plug & play USB 2 and low maintenance operation
    High speed 480 Mbits/sec USB 2 plug 'n' play connection, factory set colour calibration and fully automatic sensor alignment simplifies scanner installation, operation and maintenance.
    No specialist knowledge or skills are required to install or use the scanner other than basic experience with PCs and Windows software applications.


Onze ervaring :

Technische gezien zijn de nieuwe scanners die door Comeplan in de handel worden gebracht, stabieler dan de concurrente scanners die cameratechnologieën toepassen.
Ze moeten minder vaak gekalibreerd worden.
Hun verplaatsing (vervoer) vereist geen systematische herkalibrering ivm trillingen.
Bovendien zijn ze eenvoudig van installatie en bestaat de optie om geleverd te worden met een krachtige scansoftware en planafdruk. De technische ondersteuning wordt hoofdzakelijk verzekerd met software, hetgeen toelaat om ook van op afstand ondersteuning te bieden. Derhalve kan deze scanner in verre landen gebruikt worden ( bvb voor projectontwikkelingen, filialen of andere bedrijven die de behoeften hebben A0 planafdrukken te maken)

Onnodig voor te warmen en één enkele passage van de scan gevolgd door software -correcties volstaan en maken er een zeer snel werktuig van .

Wij hebben reeds oude zeer beschadigde oranje plannen grondig gescand, waarvan de potloodtekening nauwelijks zichtbaar waren. De scansoftware heeft het mogelijk gemaakt om de basis te bleken en heeft het eveneens het mogelijk gemaakt om de potloodtekening zichtbaarder te maken dank zij de intensiteit -en contrastenfuncties . Uiteindelijk was het plan van betere kwaliteit dan het origineel. Hetzelfde bekwam men met blauwachtige plannen of transparanten .

Bovendien zult u merken dat deze scanners zich als planafdrukmachines kunnen configureren en dat de voet waarop deze staat een minimum aan plaats inneemt.
U kunt dus uw plotter Upgraden naar een plankopieermachine tegen een aanvaardbare prijs.

De uitgebreide prijslijst en de technische informatie in het Frans of Nederlands zijn ter beschikking op verzoek.
Comeplan verzorgt demo’s in ons bureel, op afspraak, ofwel op presentatieseminaries.

U kunt eveneens met ons telefonisch contact opnemen voor verdere informatie of persoonlijk contact op nummer 0032/2/772 26 00.



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