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v.20 is een topgamma 2D en 3D CAD software ontwikkeld sedert
meer dan 20 jaar.
New 64-Bit Version
New 64-Bit Version of TurboCAD Deluxe (as well
as Pro and Platinum) addresses up to 32GB of memory, compared to
2GB on the 32-bit platform, so RAM-intensive processes are much
quicker. Load, process, and render much larger CAD files. The
32-bit version is still available if it’s required by your
New Print Window
Enter coordinate values, or use a new
pointing device to specify opposite corners of an area you wish
to print. It’s a simply way to quickly print just the part of a
design you wan to print.
New Super Selector Modes
The drag mode selector has been greatly enhanced
with 3 new drag modes, and one new menu item that encapsulates
the old selector modes offering more precise control over object
selection for faster, easier modification of your drawing.
New Rectangle Selector Mode
is a bidirectional selector. It replaces the drag modes
previously know as “Window Rectangular Mode” and “Crossing
Rectangular Mode”.
New Window Polygon Selector Mode
only selects objects which are completely inside a closed
polygon. Objects outside or partially outside the polygon
will not be selected.
New Crossing Polygon Selector Mode
allows you to select those objects which are crossing or
completely within a closed polygon.
New Fence Selector Mode
selects only those objects which are touched by the open
polygon or “fence” created while in this mode.
New Previous Selection Function
This function was added to the selector dragger
allowing users to quickly jump back to the last selection with
which there was a modification, and restore the selection.
AutoCAD 2013 (DWG) filter – Updated file filter
offers a range of continued enhancements for working with the
latest AutoCAD® and AutoCAD LT 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 files
to maximize your workflow.
New STL filter
– TurboCAD Deluxe (as well as Pro and Platinum) can now export
3D models to STL file format, the format read by many 3D printer
software programs for rapid prototyping.
New Protractor Tool
TurboCAD now allows you to place a virtual
protractor on your drawing to more easily create construction
lines in 2D and 3D. The Protractor Tool is able to work in many
modes simultaneously with a powerful dynamic display.
New Stellated Polygon Tool
Create star-shaped polygon objects in two
clicks! Just as quickly adjust properties including:
Teeth Number
Stellated as wave (for rounded stellated
Radius external
Radius internal
Radius fillet external (works when stellated
as wave option is ON)
Radius fillet internal
Angle of rotation
Hole diameter
Thickness (when working with ACIS 3D
stellated polygons)
Improved Associative Viewport Dimensions - Add dimensions to an
object through a viewport in paperspace and the dimensions will
update if the model changes.
New Dimension Function - Linear and angular dimension
tools now allow users to specify a fixed length for line
extensions and the value for that length.
New Convert to Arcs Polyline
Convert a Bezier or Spline curve into a polyline
composed entirely of circular arcs, or entirely of circular arcs
and linear segments.
New 64-Bit Version
New 64-Bit Version of TurboCAD addresses up to
32GB of memory, compared to 2GB on the 32-bit platform, so
RAM-intensive processes are much quicker. Load, process, and
render much larger CAD files. The 32-bit version is still
available if it’s required by your hardware.
New Features
Newly Updated LightWorks
Rendering Engine
The powerful
LightWorks® photorealistic and artistic rendering engine has
been updated. Some of the enhancements include new styles and
shader, as well as HTML documentation.
NEW Material Editor
New Material
Editor has streamlined material location, selection,
application, and editing. Its ease of use applies to luminance,
environments, and render styles, since it’s completely
integrated into one common universal editor for LightWorks®.
New Compass Rose
New compass
rose icon can now be placed in your design to displays north
New Icons for a Modern Look
completely updated program icons and menu colors to a more
contemporary look. But you’re not locked in. If you’re happy
with the ways things are, we’ve included the option to return to
our classic UI.
NEW Draw by Layer PLUS
This new
setting allows users to apply general property changes to all
tool presets. Once activated, when changes are made to the
properties (Layer, Pen, and Brush) of a selected tool, those
changes are applied to all tools.
NEW “Keep Center of Extents”
selector mode option
New selector
mode option scales around the center point of an object making
changes symmetric.
New/Improved 1stPricing Palette
Back by popular
demand, the 1stPricing Palette has returned, so architectural
symbols can be added to the TurboCAD drawing and then an online,
real-time price quote can be obtained through the 1stPricing
palette. This latest version now includes support for parametric
windows, doors, and skylights.
Improved Standard Modify Tools
Most standard
modify tools, such as Trim, Split, and Meet 2 Lines, will now
work with walls.
Improved Join Polyline
Join polyline
sow supports the ability to join arcs, bulge polylines and 3D
polylines with fillets.
Updated filers
offer a range of continued enhancements for working with the
latest AutoCAD® and AutoCAD LT 2010 / 2011 / 2012 files.