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DesignCADScanpro2D Symbolen3D SymbolenArchitektuurLandmeterElektriciteitSanitair4D PlanningContourCAMHardware CADSupplies voor Plotters en Printersgratis presentatieopleidingdocumentatie op aanvraagBestelbonAlgemene voorwaarden2de hand





DesignCAD dot.gif (852 octets) Prijzen dot.gif (852 octets) Upgrades dot.gif (852 octets) Opleiding dot.gif (852 octets) What's new in DesignCAD MAX dot.gif (852 octets) 2D Symbolen dot.gif (852 octets) 3D Symbolen dot.gif (852 octets) Voorbeelden dot.gif (852 octets) Concretes referenties  dot.gif (852 octets) Gratis Presentatie dot.gif (852 octets) Demo CD dot.gif (852 octets) Training CDs dot.gif (852 octets) Developper Kit dot.gif (852 octets) Bijzondere Voorwaarden voor het Onderwijs



 Now You Can Develop New Automated Applications Using DesignCAD Documentation and Support. 

In addition to printed documentation in english, the Toolkit includes an easy to use online help file in english which contains information on each of the over 300 command methods. DesignCAD commands are given in both the macro language and OLE Automation syntax, plus DesignCAD's ASCII drawing and configuration file formats are documented. 

A valuable Ressource 

With the Developer's Toolkit, you'll get a valuable resource that aids you in developing custom applications for DesignCAD programs. The Developper's Toolkit contains a comprehensive listing of all command methods objects that are exposed to the system for control through OLE Automation. 

OLE Client Application 

You'll get a helpful step-by-step guide for creating your own OLE client application that will launch an instance of DesignCAD to be controlled by the client. You'll also get a comprehensive listing of the methods DesignCAD commands use as well as the properties of DesignCAD objects are exposed to the system for control through OLE Automation. The Toolkit gives you samples of automating DesignCAD Pro MAX through OLE Automation with Visual C++, Delphi, Visual Basic and C++ Builder. 

Voorbeelden van Developper's Toolkit Projects




DesignCAD dot.gif (852 octets) Prijzen dot.gif (852 octets) Upgrades dot.gif (852 octets) Opleiding dot.gif (852 octets) What's new in DesignCAD MAX dot.gif (852 octets) 2D Symbolen dot.gif (852 octets) 3D Symbolen dot.gif (852 octets) Voorbeelden dot.gif (852 octets) Concretes referenties  dot.gif (852 octets) Gratis Presentatie dot.gif (852 octets) Demo CD dot.gif (852 octets) Training CDs dot.gif (852 octets) Developper Kit dot.gif (852 octets) Bijzondere Voorwaarden voor het Onderwijs

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