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High-speed monochrome and Colour A0
(40 ») wide format scanners for less than 10.000 Euros

nnovative scanner design that provides fast effective large format image capture for both professional and office users.
  • 600 dpi optical resolution – for extra sharp fine image detail and clean black & white scans
  • 48-bit colour & 16-bit monochrome primary point data capture – excellent image reproduction
  • Advance 2 + 4 all-wheel drive Active Paper Transport (APT) – scan your original with care
  • Instant, high quality scans from power-on, no warm-up and no waiting !
  • Dynamic normalisation with automatic monotoring and adjustment of colour temperature
  • Maintenance free contact image sensors – no tube, no stich alignement, lower costs
  • Supplied complete with scan / copy / email software and internet upgrade server
  • Windows Image Acquisition (WIA), standard file formats – TIF, JPEG, BMP & PDF,…
  • USB2 / PLUG & PLAY
  • Upgradable from monochrome to Colour
    Perfect for general office or mobile scanning projects

  • 16.7 million colour 24-bit RGB, 256 level greyscale 8-bit, black and white 1 bit
  • User selectable scanning resolution and brightness
  • Scan to file in popular formats (Tif, JPeg and PDF)
  • Easy to use one touch Scan to File, Copy or Email
  • USB2 Plug and Play Interface
  • Upto 40 inches Scan Width
  • Unlimited Scan Length

  • Fast achieved scan speeds
    Maximum achievable scan speeds at 200 dpi resolution are 10.1"/s (25.6 cm/s) for monochrome and 3.36"/s (8.53 cm/s) for colour. This makes this scanner easily the best price performance range of large format scanners available.
  • 600 dpi deep focus Contact Image Sensors for fine image detail, sharpness & accuracy
    Close-spaced, 600 dpi 'deep focus' contact image sensors (CIS) combine with years of scanner design experience to achieve
    sharp, finely resolved monochrome & colour images up to 3600 dpi maximum resolution. The scanner's side justified, straight through media
    path, transports originals through the scanner at 0.1% +/- 1 pixel accuracy.
  • Flexible document format up to 44" wide by unlimited length & 40" image width
    The 40" image width is ideal for most documents in the AEC, CAD, GIS, archive and reproduction markets.
  • Instant scanning from power-on, no stitch, no calibration, no warm-up and no wait!
    The CIS integral LED light source is ready to go within 6 seconds from power-on with no warm-up or stabilisation time required. In comparison, fluorescent light tubes used by CCD scanners can take up to 2 hours to stabilise and the scanner may need re-alignment and re-calibration before use. Scans excellent quality images right after power-on and when not in use the scanner can be switched off to conserve energy and is conveniently ready to go - at the flick of a switch.

  • Advanced 2+4 all wheel-drive Active Paper Transport
    Documents are fed into the scanner from the front, side justified over a gently curved feed tray and detected by reliable, solid state optical sensors, for automatic loading.
    The original is transported between dual, precision ground drive rollers and dual, all-wheel-drive contour rollers with high grip rubber tyres, ensuring optimum support and accurate positionning as the document enters the scan window. There, it engages with dual, belt driven pressure rollers that actively promote a smooth passage through the scanner. Active Paper Transport applies constant minimum force necessary for preserving your delicate originals, while achieving the required traction and accuracy to ensure images are pin-sharp, colourful and shadow free. Access to the scan and pressure rollers for cleaning is quick and easy via the hinged Active Paper Transport.

    The scan glass is chemically treated for high impact & scratch resistance - more than 5 times that of normal optical glass. Access to the glass for cleaning and replacement is quick and easy via the opening grip-roller cover.
  • Compact, space saving design with low power consumption
    Stylish, lightweight & portable desktop scanner that will fit easily in any work place environment. If preferred, floor stand or universsal repro stand options are available that minimise the installed footprint of the scanner and position the media feed tray at a comfortable & convenient height for most users.

    NEW ! PC&Flat screen Mounting option
    NEW ! Paper Catch Basket Option


    NEW ! Universal Repro Stand Option
  • Customer installable scanner with plug & play USB 2 and low maintenance operation
    High speed 480 Mbits/sec USB 2 plug 'n' play connection, factory set colour calibration and fully automatic sensor alignment simplifies scanner installation, operation and maintenance.
    No specialist knowledge or skills are required to install or use the scanner other than basic experience with PCs and Windows software applications.

Notre expérience:

Techniquement, les nouveaux scanners commercialisés par Comeplan sont plus stables que les scanners concurrents qui utilisent des technologies de caméras. Ils doivent être moins souvent recalibrés. Leur déplacement (transport) ne nécessite pas une recalibration systématique liée aux vibrations. De plus, il sont faciles d'installation et sont livrés en option avec des logiciels très performants de scan et de copies de plans. Le support technique peut être majoritairement assuré par software, ce qui permet d'assurer un support à distance. De ce fait, ce scanner peut donc s'installer dans des pays plus lointains (par exemple dans le cadre de projets de collaborations aux développement, par des filliales de société, ou par d'autres institutions ou sociétés qui ont des besoins de scanner des plans A0.

Pas de préchauffage et un seul passage de scan suivi des retouches softwares en font un outil très rapide.

Nous avons déjà scanné des vieux plans à fond orange, très abimés dont le dessin effectué au crayon était à peine visible. Le logiciel de scan a permis de blanchir le fond et a également permis de rendre le crayonné plus visible grâce aux fonctions d'intensités et de contrastes. En final, le plan était de meilleure qualité que l'original. Il en a été de même avec des plans à fonds bleutés ou avec des transparents.

De plus, vous remarquerez que ces scanners peuvent se configurer comme copieurs de plans et que le système de pied adapté à cet usage permet de diminuer l'encombrement de l'espace de travail. Vous pouvez donc Upgrader votre plotter-traceur en un copieur de plans à un prix devenu accessible.

Les prix détaillés et informations techniques en français ou en neérlandais sont remis sur demande.

Comeplan assure des démonstrations en ses bureaux, soit sur rendez-vous, soit lors de séminaires de présentations.

Vous pouvez également nous contacter par téléphone pour toute autre information et établir un contact personnel au 0032/2/772 26 00.



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